Q: What is a union print shop?
A: Our printer employees are members of trade union. Being a union print shop shows our commitment to quality craftsmanship. We have members that have been part of the printing trade over 20 years. It is this experience that enables to provide a quality product to our customers time & time again. Not only are we a union print shop, we are so proud of being union, we named our website after it!
Q: Why print union?
A: Our slogan is “What message do you want to send today?” Clearly, one of the messages you are sending is the message you put on your collateral. The other message you send is supporting the hard working employees of labor. The commitment to employee benefits & living wages is paramount to our success. We believe that when you provide your employees with a living wage & benefits, what you get is a happier employee, but more importantly, a better product. We appreciate your support of our union employees.
Q: How can I tell that something was printed union?
A: Any customer can request that a union label, or more commonly referred to as a “union bug” be placed discretely on their printed piece. This shows that someone belonging to the Allied Printing Trades Council printed your piece. Always look for the bug!
Q: Do you offer direct mailing services?
A: Yes, we have a complete mail house on-site and perform a wide range of direct mail services from CASS certification of your mailing list to updating with NCOA Move Updates, as well as inkjet addressing, affixing wafer tabs and/or precancelled stamps, machine and hand inserting, and palletization. We also verify & induct your mail at the local post office and offer freight drop shipping for out of area postal facilities.